Crazy Knitter Reviews

The place where this crazy knitter reviews books, TV, movies and recipes

Sunday, January 14, 2007

To Have and Have Not (1944)

A wonderful Boggie and Bacall flick. Steve Morgan (Bogart) is living on the French island of Martinique during World War II. He has a boat and runs fishing tours for people on the island. While his friends work for the Free France movement he decides to remain neutral. That all changes when he meets Slim (Bacall). She is a young American woman who does not have enough money to get back to the mainland. After Steve has his money and passport taken by the local police captain he decides that he needs to work in the smuggling business to help get Slim off the island. He agrees to smuggle a French soldier and his wife from another island but they run into trouble. They exchange fire with the local authorities and the soldier is shot. Now the police are onto Steve and his illegal activities. For their safety Steve and Slim need to leave the island but will they be able to?

The movie is where Boggie and Bacall fell in love and you can see that happening on screen. Bacall was so sexy as Slim - especially when she gives the famous line "You know how to whistle don't you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow". Walter Brennan steals the movie as Steve's drunk sidekick, Eddie. The movie has been remade two times. In 1950 as The Breaking Point and in 1956 as Wetbacks. However, nothing can compare to this original classic.

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