The Jimmy Stewart comedy classic. Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) lives in a small town with his sister, Veta (Josephine Hall), and niece, Myrtle Mae (Victoria Home). Of course there is also his buddy, Harvey, a 6'3" white rabbit that only Elwood can see. of course his sister and niece are very embarrassed by Elwood's invisible friend and after he embarrasses them at a luncheon they decide to send him away. Of course nothing goes as planned. The psychiatrist believes that Veta is the one who is crazy and puts her in the asylum. Once the doctors realize their mistake they must do everything in their power to find Elwood and keep Veta from suing.
This movie was very fun. Even though it is considered a comedy it is somewhat sad. It was nice to see Jimmy Stewart in a different role than we are used to seeing him in. Josephine Hall was also wonderful in her Oscar winning role of Veta. There have been 3 made-for-tv remakes of this film in 1972, 1985 and 1998. However, nothing can compare to this movie classic.
Labels: IMDB Top 250 Films, Movies